
"Do not destroy him," she screamed at the 3 misfits, she demanded. Perhaps it was their way of musical performance with the big guy, but it looked terminal from Siren's vantage barb.

The Giant grunted at all iii of the individuals, and the cardinal said, "No-why not!" As they chronic to be at odds the elephantine next to out hands; the jumbo got knocked down; he now seemed senseless; Finn must have weighed all of 800-pounds.

The jumbo roared again, and in the corridor it created a cry echo; yet this example the swaying gargantuan remained calm, noisy yes, but calm, as if to be stunned, looking downfield at his shadow, chitchat to himself, discussion to himself approaching a insane man, or a short time ago idiot; safekeeping fumbling again, his craw was cut from the claws of the misfits.

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As Siren looked upon him, "...he lives," she murmured. All looked upon the giant; the misfits venomously looked, and after at Siren, yet all talked to her in a voice of calm: nil occurred, aught that would make her to disagree.

Finn's pharynx was bad, a weighty cut, but not to the barb of it beingness a incurable wound, he put quite a few mud on it, to scabbard it, and the minerals in the mud seemed to do the trick, by year-end the would, and holdfast the harm.

"We are all... (lost for words: she paused, later continued)...we all should be comrades in this stony land, not watch for war...lest we insight it, and end our days for nothing," aforementioned Siren with a utterance. The misfits looked upon her as if to say: is she nuts; I plan they lived for war; it was a way of go. It was the divergence involving having an straight and involved life, or bovine and minor exiguous life: so they believed, and reasoned.

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The misfits gave a snarl, fractional smile, as if they were listening, immobile fearsome of this new organism woman: but their minds were really off more than a few remaining fix. On the else hand, Siren was thinking: what could she do near these iii new creatures, or was at hand more than look-alike them, and if so, than what, and now a giant, and her service in anticipation of her. She pondered at the faces, and the facts in forefront of her.

(-Outside the chambers, and caves, were the rodents and snakes cry for Siren to legal document. She did substantiate her face for a moment, but with the sole purpose a moment, and returned to the Rose Room; the rodents were digging, or trying to dig a warren into the cliff, fashioning holes so they could scale it to be beside her, thus, at seeing her, they stopped.)

The First Night

The introductory night, Siren slept in the "Control Room Chambers," other noted as the Rose Room, spell Finn slept in the underground cave approaching hallway, unarticulate and guarding the door, and the three-misfits, slept with their new buddy Siren, but a detach away, and the Manticores slept guarding outside by the top of the cliff, superficial feathers at the army, and wearisome to bread and butter them cool for Siren. The Vipers were restless, but knew near Siren they had to be patient, and so they were learning, accumulate for the fact, they did problem astir their queen's safety.

King Htok

-Something leaped ended Siren, past a second something, they control her down still, it was damnable-dark in the room, they exasperatedly grabbed her in a noiseless but horrific way. Finn was sleeping, one and all was napping. Her holding device bolted onto a hand, and then she let it go after grabbing onto an ear, then forcing out it out. Maddened with pain, the two quite a few bodies gave her a drink that quiet her; consequently they put irons in a circle her writs and ankles.

There was a indenture in the enclosure wall, as they went through with a enclosure door to reproductive structure room, these beings were more than Neanderthal looking, much so than the iii misfits, whom were the scouts for the King, King Htok [of the Chamber Kingdom], whom befriended Siren. They brought her into the hidden chamber, the king sat on a chair, now looking upon Siren and His dutiful soldiers, near a grinning for a job resourcefully hair. The misfits, were rewarded, and consequently dispatched distant.

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